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The Art of Lip Blush: Navigating the Healing Process

AirBrush 20230716001706Lip blush, a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo that enhances the natural beauty of your lips, has gained immense popularity in recent years. The procedure involves depositing pigments into the lips to create a soft, subtle tint, providing a more defined and youthful appearance. While the results are undoubtedly stunning, understanding the healing process is crucial for those considering or undergoing lip blush. In this blog post, we will explore what to expect during the lip blush healing journey.

Immediate Post-Procedure

Right after the lip blush procedure, it's normal for the lips to appear more vibrant and slightly swollen. The intensity of the colour may surprise you initially, but fear not – this is part of the process. The swelling will subside, and the colour will soften during the healing period.

The Initial Days

In the first few days post-procedure, it's essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician diligently. Your lips may feel tender, and you might experience some redness. Applying a prescribed ointment or balm will aid in keeping the lips moisturized and help alleviate any discomfort.

Flaking and Peeling

Around days 3 to 5, you may notice some flaking and peeling of the skin on your lips. This is a normal part of the healing process as your body naturally sheds the top layer of skin. It's crucial not to pick at the flakes; let them come off naturally to avoid disrupting the pigmentation.

Colour Subsiding

As the initial healing progresses, the intense colour of your lip blush will subside, revealing a more natural and subtle tint. Don't be alarmed if the colour seems to fade; this is expected, and the final result will become more apparent as your lips continue to heal.

Week 2-4: Refinement and Settling

During weeks 2 to 4, your lips will continue to refine and settle into their final hue. It's common for the colour to fluctuate during this period. Some days it may seem more pronounced, while on others, it might appear softer. This variability is normal and part of the healing process.

Final Result

By the end of the first month, you'll begin to see the true results of your lip blush. The colour will have settled, and your lips will have a natural, enhanced appearance. It's important to note that individual healing experiences may vary, and some may find the process quicker or slower than others.

Long-Term Care

Maintaining your lip blush results involves proper long-term care. This includes protecting your lips from excessive sun exposure, avoiding harsh chemicals, and staying hydrated.   Colour boosts are recommended and typically scheduled every 1-2 years which will also help maintain the vibrancy of the lip blush.


Understanding the healing process of lip blush is essential for managing expectations and ensuring optimal results. With proper care and patience, you'll unveil the full beauty of your enhanced lips, leaving you with a semi-permanent, natural-looking lip colour that lasts for years to come.  Always consult with a skilled and experienced technician who can guide you through the procedure and provide personalized aftercare advice for the best outcome.

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